Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Introducing biological farming systems to Ravensbourne landholders

Biological and Soil Carbon Farming:             
Ravensbourne and District Landcare Group (RDLG) is looking for expressions of interest for participation in a project, funded by the Australian Government, that will introduce sustainable farming methods to district landholders in order to improve soil health and the sustainable management of land under cropping, horticulture and grazing.
The project will involve a number of field days including a community awareness day (April), workshops (Nov / Dec) and further field days in early 2013. The field day in April will include a session on soil sampling and analysis, and interpretation of test results.

If you are a landowner who is interested in improving soil health and would like to participate in this project please answer the questions below and send your reply by 15th March next.  
Please note that opportunities for subsidised soil analyses and field demonstrations are limited.

Expression of Interest for the Ravensbourne Soil Health Project

Name: ___________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________
Contact details (email & phone): _______________________________________
Production system (e.g. grazing, natural systems, horticulture) : ______________
Do you have existing soil analysis data for your property? (Y/N): _______________________________________
Would you be interested in having further soil samples taken from your property as a participant of this project?  (Y/N):____________________________________
Would you be interested in having a field demonstration of biological practices on your property as a participant of this project? (Y/N) :____________________________________

RSVP to the Secretary RDLG by 15th March 2012 by email at : (ian.eustace101@gmail.com) or Ian Eustace, 24 Shum Road, Palmtree 4352

RDLG field day 28 April on biological and soil carbon farming

This is a rare opportunity to talk with sustainable farming experts.
You are invited to a field day on Saturday 28th April.
This is the first in a series of events on managing soil carbon on farms and is part of an exciting trend in Australian farming for property owners who want to manage soil for the future, maintaining fertility without the addition of expensive and disappearing resources.